The Wellness Organization

Brand Identity, Brand Strategy & Report

The Wellness Organization's mission is to deliver mental health support to Canadian's trying to navigate and manage chronic illness care—while lobbying for change across the provincial and territorial health care systems. Creating an identity that can feel welcoming for those who need support, and allow room to push for truly needed change in the healthcare system was an important balance that helped shape the entire brand identity creation process.

A waiting room from the Wellness Organization, with illustrations of people on the glass
The Wellness Organization Website open on a laptop
Social posts for the wellness organization with illustrations

Real support in cold places

People managing chronic illness are up to four times more likely to suffer from mental illness, so developing a brand identity that could stand out against the crowded and often cold medical space was paramount. The brand needed to feel human & approachable in a way that everyone feels welcome in getting the support they need and deserve; especially when it is placed against the cold and sterile brands that medical institutions typically display.

The Wellness Organization Logo variants, Full with Tagline, Wellness and the seal
Pages from the Wellness Organization's website
The Wellness Organization's brand guide, showing the logo page
The main colour palette of the Wellness Organization brand, black, white, gold, blue, red and pink

Want to learn more?

The Wellness Organization was inspired & created through a case study at Conestoga College. If you would like to read the full report, and see why the Wellness Organization concept was created; you can find it here.
You can also have a look at the brand guide and website mockup below.

Case StudyBrand GuideWebsite